Posts tagged Negativity
The Positive Value of Negativity

I met with three beautiful South Korean women today, eating Korean food and sharing in a lovely cultural exchange. But somewhat unfortunately, my brain is used to having literally hundreds of things to do in a single day, with one of those things being (or having been) creating films (usually four, simultaneously) on complex strategic topics for a global corporation, in three languages, complete with transcripts. So, although I should be viewing breakfast with friends as a luxury, being under-stimulated gives my quirky psyche too much time to think and analyze. And THAT is when doubt begins to rear it’s nasty head.

Quite serendipitously, as the day unfolded, I met an Iranian neighbor who said she felt a bit off-center today, too. So I shared with her what I will now share with you. An article which helps us understand the value that even negative emotions have in our lives. 

Maybe, when we begin to see negative emotions as useful, we can embrace them and allow them to serve as the wind in our sails.

Liz KraftNegativity, Embrace